We are nearing the end of another year of the pandemic. Can you believe it?
Maybe you are wondering what you have accomplished.

Maybe you are feeling sorry for yourself or a little resentful.
Perhaps you have faced multiple losses like the death of loved ones, tattered social connections, ailing finances, health challenges, hopelessness and are feeling isolated and alone.
These are symptoms of the Winter Blues.
The good news? They are just thoughts.
The bad news? Unhappy thoughts of powerlessness and discontent can effect you body and destroy your happiness.
The secret to stopping these negative thoughts is as simple as opening your hand and letting them drop away.
Ok, I understand, sometimes you just want to be angry. You are tired, frustrated and don't want to hear how easy it is. I get it. Your negative thoughts keep resurfacing. You just can’t stop them. You want to cry and scream.

Well . . . go ahead.
Get angry! Scream! Go for it.
I have helped people through grief and loss for over 20 years and releasing feelings is the key to their healing.
One of my clients had been grieving the loss of her husband for over 20 years. That's how sticky negative thoughts can be. Once she let her feeling out, she finished her grieving.
When you suppress negative feelings (i.e. feelings that triggers stress) they get trapped in your body, in your cells, they lower your immune system and actually can do systemic harm.
When you really let them rip, preferably alone, you release that trapped energy. You ease the tension and lower stress hormones. You feel relief and become more open to new thoughts.
One caveat: you must watch the words you use when you releasing negative emotions. Words have power to create reality. Every cell in your body is listening to you. Try using gibberish, or just nonsense sounds when you release that anger. That way you don’t recycle the anger and get caught in a negative loop.
Now, go ahead, let your anger release. Raant, raant, raant! o#!^%~}{><!!!¶•∞¢£¡`∑´¨ˆøπ
Do this until there is nothing left, until you are tired and feeling emptied.

Now check inside. How do you feel? Do you feel a little lighter? A little less pain. Less sorry for yourself?
Next step: allow a little light into your thoughts. Can you say one thing that is good about this moment? Can you say, I love you to yourself?
When you suppress negative feelings (i.e. feelings that trss) they get trapped in your body, in your cells. tThey lower your immune system and actually can do systemic harm.
Need a little more support releasing your blues? Download my free Stress-Release audio tape HERE.

Dr. Michelle Peticolas is an international best-selling author, award-winning filmmaker and founder of Second Chance Secrets, a professional training center that enables coaches, healers and entrepreneurs to unleash their true brilliance so they can attract premium clients and make a difference in the world.
For more than 25 years, Dr. Michelle has been helping people recreate their lives after loss through spiritual healing, psychosomatics, Cognitive and Gestalt psychology, coaching, speaking, art, films and publishing. Her students are guided to use loss as a doorway to self-discovery and personal growth.
She produced the award-winning 3-part documentary series, Secrets of Life and Death and currently leads many transformational programs including Second Chance Certification, which helps coaches, leaders and entrepreneurs to create irresistible high-end coaching packages from their own healing journey.
She is a featured author in Amazon Best Seller, Breaking Barriers; and in the International Best Sellers, Step Into Your Brilliance and Animal Legacies
Raised on the East Coast and earning her Sociology/Psychology Ph.D. in the Midwest, Michelle now resides with her husband in El Cerrito, CA