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Healers, Therapists, Coaches and Motivational Speakers

To Share Their Message and Reach the People Who Need Them

Seekers of a Great Human Adventure

Better Health, Vitality, Mental Clarity, Joy, Purpose and Meaning

Recordings from the
Healers Connection Speaker Series

Click to watch them right on this page. Those who show up live either on zoom or in our private facebook group get to ask questions. We do a laser coaching with members toward to end of each call so listen in to those that share tips on what you want to know


If you’re not yet in our Free Facebook Group — click HERE to join now.

Harriet Tubman Wright, MS, MA explains the power and impact of feminine presence and shares three tool to change your paradigm and create  your own (R)evolution. Schedule a complimentary Liberation Journey session with Harriet from this link.

Former US Army Major, International speaker and best-selling author Linda Patten explains Comfluential™ Leadership — the joining of command and influence to create a new leadership by tapping into your own natural gifts and strengths. For her e-book “Defining Leadership" and Leadership Assessment click here.

Your Authentic Leadership

Dr. Erin, a licensed Chiropractor certified in Functional Medicine explains how women can transform from tired and sluggish, to greater energy, better sleep, healthier weight, calmness,  gut health and happier mood with 3 Lifestyle Hack. Learn the secrets to balance your hormones naturally in her free 5 Steps for Women to Have More Energy After 40.

Sharon Caren, spiritual intuitive and best selling author, describes how she connected to the spirit world through a near death experience and changed her life. Learn how raising your energy frequency can transform your health and happiness. Receive the downloadable 7 Chakra Guide @ and schedule a free 20-minute Discovery Call

Heal Your Body, Love Your Life

Certified Health Coach, Oralia Acosta talks about how to establish rapport with your body in order to decode what it is saying to you. By focusing on habit and lifestyle change and bio-individualized nutrition he helps her clients discover what works for their body.. Get her Free e-Book: “How to Lose Weight When Nothing Else is Working."

Master Wellness Coach Amy Charland introduces us to the existence of Zombie cells in your body and how they destroy your energy, lead to overwhelm and create premature aging. Through evidence-based practices, she helps her clients make incremental, sustainable lifestyle changes to lose weight for good, attain ideal fitness levels, and utilize stress to their advantage. Find out more at 

Creating Body Bliss

Executive Coach Michelle Teague talks about the importance of aligning your purpose, vision and core values in order to achieve your desired goals. She helps leaders to develop the skills to succeed at the next level through improved communication and team building.

Download her free Care Values Worksheet: to determine what is significant to you.

Dream Coach and Financial Freedom Success coach Victoria Buckmann describes how you can shift your paradigm around selling to easily triple your sales. Also a hypnotherapist and intuitive, she specializes in helping you master the "inner game" and access your 'Sales Magic' in order to create the business and life you desire.

Schedule complementary Sales Magic Makeover Call to change your paradigm.

Plan for Maximum Success

Grief experts Nancy Gordon, and Carol Pilkington join me in a panel discussion about how to handle the grief and the holidays in a Covid world.


Nancy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Life Coach, a #1 International best-selling author, consultant, speaker and a life-change expert who specializes in Pet Loss. Schedule a free 30 min hope and healing session on Pet Loss HERE.

Carol Pilkington is a teacher of life showing people how to lift themselves out of the fog of suffering into a life of love, joy and grace. She offers a free guide "Moving Beyond Grief" you can access HERE

Grief and the Holidays

Spiritual Healer and Corporate Wellness Expert Charissa Sims shares the relationships between pain and your spiritual path. She describes her own epiphany and what she discovered about pain and how to heal it.


Charissa Sims is the host of the Podcast, “You, Inspired” and #1 Best Selling author of "Change Your Energy Change Your Life." She has worked as a healer and has changed people’s lives in the areas of releasing spirits and cord cutting. Ms. Sims has worked with USC, Amazon, Google, FOX, NBC Universal, and many more thousands of companies, non-profits and schools.  


Schedule a free 30 min Discovery call HERE.

The Purpose of Pain

Body Energy and Food Freedom

Deb Dutcher, a Certified Integrative Health Coach, specializes in digestion, detox, pain, sleep and weight management. With proven solutions, she enables her clients to uncover the underlying factors that keep them from achieving their optimal health.

Schedule a Free consult with Deb at 


Lisa has certifications in Intuitive Eating, health and wellness coaching, personal training, and group facilitation from Be Body Positive and Lisa’s coaching philosophy is to ditch the diet and to focus on progress, not perfection. 

Learn to listen to the wisdom or your body by getting her free: 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating.

Energy Revitalizer Coach, Holistic Chef, AADP Certified Health Coach Rhonda Liebig explains how to create a more loving and positive relationship with food by learning to listen to yourself.

Go to to take her  energy assessment quiz, then get a complimentary 45 min session to review you answers and decide your next step.

Jumpstart Your Vitality with a New Food Story

Sound Energy and Gentle Touch Healing

Sound Energy Healer Rachel Michaelsen, a seasoned psychotherapist, has been using energy psychology methods in her work for over 20 years. She explains how sound can be used to break through the block that prevent you from achieving your goals. 

Free Sound & Energy Healing Drop-In Zoom Gathering:

Mondays 7-8 pm & Thurs 6-7 pm PT

Info Here


Sara Sunstein, MA Ortho-Bionomy use gentle touch as a path to peace and wellbeing. With over 35 years practicing and teaching, Sara Sunstein learned that bodies are eager to heal, and when given helpful cues, they do. Her specialties include resolving pain & trauma, revealing emotions-body connection, and freeing creative expression.

Sara Sunstein

Relationship Navigation Specialist Kimi Avary helps singles and couples learn how to communicate with their partner in a way that works. In this session of the Healers Connection, she explains how to avoid the common pitfalls of relationships by through understanding, curiosity and grace.


Schedule a 30 min. complimentary Relationship Possibility session with Kimi HERE.

How to Overcome Relationship Challenges

Life Coach Rachel S. Heslin discusses how to make peace with your past with a sincere, compassionate, honest forgiveness approach. She explains a 3 step process of healing and physical techniques for handling your emotions without overwhelm. 


Access a FREE downloadable copy of her book Rituals of Release

The Power of Self-Forgiveness

Akashic Records Intuitive and Spiritual Evolution Mentor Veronica Lee shares about the collective evolutionary shift into our “next level” of consciousness and why it’s important to willingly take the leap! 


Gain insights about the current state of our collective consciousness and

the value of cultivating your natural soul-driven gifts. Access her gift at

Our Evolutionary Leap into Love Consciousness-

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Feng Shui consultant Dot Claire says "Change your space, change your life." The feel or energy of your house can affect you, your income, relationships and everyone who comes in. 

Schedule a Free Feng Shui Strategy Session and find out why the money isn’t flowing into your office and bank.


Activating Prosperity with Feng Shui

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Money mindset, Rev. Andrea Scott Brown explains, is about changing your relationship with money. How we think about money, relate to it, and experience money determines our circumstances. 


Access Rev. Andrea's FREE Audacious Compass kit or connect with Rev. Andrea HERE.

Mindset: from Stagnant to Abundant

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Dr. Grace Gwitira describes emotional intelligence as a practiced skill that can improve your life at work and home. By using self-regulation you can learn to navigate the social triggers that can sabotage you.


Access Dr. Graces Free report 5 Mistakes Leader Make or connect with Dr. Grace HERE.

Self-Regulation Your Secret Superpower


Guest presenter Laura Long share the history and practice of Qigong. Qigong is the cultivation of our own healing energy called Qi. It is the mysterious energy that connect all things including your ability to heal and beyond to higher levels of thriving. 


Laura teaches a weekly Qigong class in the Sacramento area.

Self-Healing Through Qigong

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Dr. Michelle kicks off the Healers Connection Zoom Series with a talk on the  Four Superpowers of a Great Life. Discover how you may have disconnected from these powers in childhood and how to get them back. 

Get a free stress-release audio to align with your body at

Four Superpowers of a Great Life

© 2020 by Dr. Michelle Peticolas. Proudly created with

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